Negotiations on political ads have begun

Stricter rules for political ads are necessary

The French presidential election campaign has been another example of a run for the best political advertising. Not the only one. Also, some other past ones—such as Brexit or the election of Donald Trump—confirmed that political advertising must be regulated. As we have seen in the case of communication and disinformation, misleading targeted messages can also negatively affect democratic principles. In November 2021, the European Commission tabled a proposal for a regulation on the transparency and targeting of political advertising. [Read More]

Who chose your vacation?

The dangers and pitfalls of surveillance advertising

Had you been choosing where to go on vacation this year and since then, advertisement for the best vacation—whether in Europe or overseas—was popping up at you during every action on-line? That happens due to so-called targeted, surveillance advertising. Its advertisers and intermediaries know everything about you. How old you are, where you live, what your hobbies are, what pages you’re browsing, and also that you are planning your vacation. I consider widespread on-line surveillance unacceptable. [Read More]